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HKIPF: Winsome Wong & Caleb Fung




Winsome Dumalagan Wong, Caleb Fung

Hong Kong International Photo Festival presents a duo exhibition of Winsome Wong and Caleb Fung.

In today's society and amidst the dynamics between people, animals, plants, and objects, we may not always have strong neighbourly connections, let alone a deep understanding of their places, belongings, or even their essence of life. However, Winsome Wong not only sees the vitality within, but also witnesses the metaphors and symbols embodied by them — these simultaneously familiar and unfamiliar faces and scenes.

This two-part series led by Winsome Wong Dumalagan — ‘Fallen Portraits on the Soil’ and ‘The Rite of Passing By: I didn’t see them but I saw them’ — is set in public housing. The installation portrays the overseen and questions the use of materials and images, and the limitations of photography itself.

In 'Neo-Baak Jyut Chronicle' by Caleb Fung, traces of life eons ago are still preserved in remains, impressions, all around us. A reptile sharing the same sunlight as we do; organic vibrations and rhythms and waves drowned out by city noise but nonetheless ringing; an ammonite fossilised in marble that makes foundation where we reside… we live and traverse each day amongst their presence, but do we pause and attune to how their existence resonates with us?

Our region was once known as ‘Baak Jyut’ (Or ‘Baiyue’). ‘Neo-Baak Jyut Chronicle’ is an attempt to take lens as magnifier in rediscovery of the cosmic enigmas predating and prevailing alongside humanity, to find sanctuary for the soul in the certainty of life’s continuance.




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