Fault Lines
Batten and Kamp, Kay Mei Ling Beadman, Huey Chan x Joy Zhu, South Ho, Li San Kit, Yuk King Tan, Eunice Tsang, Arielle Tse
As thin as hair, or so large as to be visible from space, fault lines are a geological phenomena of displacement created from tectonic movements, resulting in fractures that open up the skin of the earth. This planar splintering acts as the premise of this exhibition, which investigates the concept of ‘fault lines’ as a material and symbolic construct through artworks that are mostly made from construction materials such as concrete, marble, zip ties, wire, grout, and foam. Some installations are intentionally barely visible at first glance, examining the reliability of our pre-existing belief structures, and evoking the emotional challenges of navigating an unsteady ground. Some play on the pun of ‘fault’, a misalignment which insinuates a binary positioning of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, questioning the potential of culpability. Some focus on the interplay between material and the site, using the specificity of the space to contemplate ideas about building, cracking, mending, misaligning and reconstructing. Ultimately, the core of the works lies in a potentiality where forms mutate and meanings alter: at times imperceptibly slow, at times violently sudden, like the restless earth under our feet.
Batten and Kamp
Kay Mei Ling Beadman
曾維雄 x 朱芷晴
岩層是地球的記憶體,斷層則是大地的記憶錯位,且往往伴隨著異常的天變。斷層線是由地球構造運動產生位移的地質現象,導致地殼裂開,有的裂縫細如毛髮,難以辨認,有的非常龐大,可從太空看見。本 in次展覽重點,就是這種平面分裂,藉此探討「斷層線」的物質性和象徵意義。展品主要由混凝土、大理石、紮帶、金屬絲、灌漿和泡沫等建築材料製成。有些裝置一乍眼幾乎看不出來,卻是在審視那些先入爲主的信念結構是否可靠,看我們在前路顛簸時能否克服情緒波動。有些展品拿「fault」的雙關語「斷層/過錯」來開刀,指出所謂「是非對錯」的二分法,其實也是一種錯位,畢竟誰有罪誰無辜,絕不會輕易浮出地表,一目了然。有些作品則關注材料與場地的相互作用,利用空間的特殊性思考關於建造、裂開、修補、錯位和重建等看法。所有作品旨在探索一種能使形式產生突變、意義出現變化的潛力:潛力的實現過程時而緩慢,讓人不知不覺;時而猛烈,叫人 措手不及,如同我們腳下的大地,永遠動變不安。